Kate McCallum

I am an artist, curator and researcher, born in the UK and now living and working in Oregon, the USA. I teach classes on research, mathematics, and the intersections of science and art at the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Pacific University and Portland Community College, and develop community art projects in collaboration with local organisations such as The Immigrant Story. I hold a position at Pacific University supporting faculty in integrating innovative, inclusive methods into their pedagogy. I also make ceramics using hand-dug clay and pit-firing methods, soap with local milk, and tan skins from a local farm at home. I am currently working on my first novel, which I am very fortunate to have supported by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council.

Read my PhD thesis, funded by the TECHNE AHRC consortium, here. Play with the interactive notation exploration here.

Read about my past projects as an artist-curator here.

I do research on art as a form of enquiry and art from the perspective of linguistic pragmatics. You can follow me on ResearchGate or Academia.edu.